Faciales y Peelings Químicos

Tratamientos faciales y exfoliaciones químicas en Sugar Land, Katy y Houston, Texas

Cuando ha expuesto su piel, con el tiempo, a los elementos ambientales agresivos, incluido el sol, se vuelve opaca y pierde su luminosidad. Tanto los tratamientos faciales como los peelings químicos están diseñados para restaurar la piel, cuando se usan correctamente. En ambos casos, los tratamientos cutáneos devuelven la juventud a la piel, devolviéndola de nuevo vitalidad.

Para comprender cómo las exfoliaciones químicas y los tratamientos faciales restauran la juventud, debe comprender más sobre el proceso. Cuando programa un tratamiento facial en un salón, el esteticista usa una lámpara ampliada para determinar los tipos de productos que son adecuados para su piel. Una gran cantidad de productos faciales utilizan vapor para liberar las impurezas de la piel o de los poros, incluidos los puntos negros o las espinillas. Posteriormente, el técnico exfolia la piel. Esto se hace para eliminar la piel muerta y revelar una tez más saludable y juvenil.

Después de la exfoliación, el esteticista puede masajear la cara para relajar los músculos faciales. A menudo se aplica una mascarilla facial que se adapta a sus necesidades específicas de cuidado de la piel. El tratamiento se completa con la aplicación de un tónico, sueros, crema hidratante y protección UV para el cuidado de la piel.

Ahora que comprende cómo funciona un tratamiento facial, puede ver cómo se compara una exfoliación química. Una exfoliación química elimina la capa externa de la piel. Esto se hace mediante el uso de una preparación de productos químicos que se aplican en el área facial para eliminar o exfoliar la piel superficial vieja o dañada. Al hacerse la exfoliación en nuestro spa médico, nuestro esteticista puede determinar la mejor fórmula para usted. Generalmente se presentan tres niveles de exfoliaciones químicas en forma de exfoliaciones ligeras, medias o profundas. Al igual que un tratamiento facial, después de la exfoliación, este procedimiento elimina las células muertas y estimula el crecimiento de nuevas células para que la piel se vea más brillante y suave.


What are the benefits of facials?

When you get a facial, you can realize a number of benefits, primarily the following:

  • A facial reduces the environmental impact on the skin, including factors, such as smoking or UV exposure.
  • Facials improve skin that has become too lax, or features irregularities in pore size or texture.
  • A facial strengthens the epidermis, or the skin’s natural and protective top layer, over time.
  • Facials stimulate the production of collagen, which makes the skin look youthful, and regenerate new skin cells.
  • A facial enhances cellular reproduction.
  • Facials make the skin more resilient so it does not wrinkle as easily.

What are the benefits of a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a great way to keep the skin looking smooth and younger while using a minimally invasive approach. Benefits of this type of treatment include the following:

  • The appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and freckles are reduced.
  • Sun damage is repaired.
  • Skin that features acne, acne scars, or similar scarring looks suddenly smoother and radiant.
  • Irregular skin tones or pigmentation is corrected.
  • Scaly or rough patches on the skin are minimized.

What are the main differences between a facial and chemical peel?

While the outcome from a facial or chemical peel is similar, facials and peels do have some notable differences. For example, the patient can walk out of a session for a facial and go back to work that day. He or she really does not experience any downtime and will realize immediate results.

On the other hand, you may notice some redness or soreness after a chemical peel, which adds to the recovery time. How long recovery takes depends on the type of peel you receive. Naturally, you can recover from a light peel more quickly than if you opt to get a deep peel to exfoliate the surface skin.

After I get a chemical peel, how long do I have to wait to get a facial?

How long you will have to wait will depend on the type of peel. You can get a facial, after a light peel, in about a week. For a deeper peel, you should wait a month. Some courses for chemical peels work the best if they are performed in close succession. In this case, you should not get a facial until you have finished your chemical peel sessions.

Will I see results after one chemical peel?

You can see a visible improvement after one chemical peel. However, you will receive the best results by having multiple peels scheduled. As it takes time for the skin to get damaged, it also takes time to reverse any harm causes by overexposure to the sun or temperature extremes.

How long should I wait to get another chemical peel?

Wait every 4 months to get a medium peel.

How often should I get a facial?

Skin care experts advise that recipients get a professional facial every three to four weeks, or the length of time it takes for the skin to go through the complete cycle of cellular growth and exfoliation.

These are some of the chemical peels that we offer and their main application:

  • Salicylic acid 30% (Acne, oiliness, pore size)
  • Glycolic acid 30%-50% (Acne, oiliness, pore size, hyperpigmentation, shallow scarring)
  • Mandelic acid (Redness, oiliness, glowing)
  • Pyruvic acid (skin rejuvenation, hyperpigmentation, shallow scarring)
  • Jessner Peel (acne, hyperpigmentation, shallow scarring)
  • Green peel (acne, hyperpigmentation, oiliness)
  • TCA peels (rejuvenation, precancerous lesions and acne scars)
  • VIPEEL (melasma, hyperpigmentation. acne and acne scars)

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