
Daxxify en Sugar Land, Katy, y Houston, Texas

Descubriendo el poder de DAXXIFY: su guía para una nueva opción de neurotoxina

DAXXIFY, también conocido como daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm o "DAXI", es un neurotoxina inyectable aprobada diseñada para tratar las líneas glabelares, esas molestas líneas de expresión entre las cejas. Al igual que otras neurotoxinas inyectables populares como BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport®, Xeomin® y Jeuveau®, DAXXIFY bloquea temporalmente las señales nerviosas a los músculos tratados, lo que resulta en un ablandamiento de las líneas de expresión causadas por las contracciones musculares repetitivas.

Lo que distingue a DAXXIFY es su formulación única. Combina el poder de una proteína tipo A de toxina botulínica purificada con una proteína adherida, lo que ayuda a extender los efectos de DAXXIFY en los músculos tratados. Los ensayos clínicos han demostrado que DAXXIFY puede ofrecer resultados que duran entre 6 y 9 meses, potencialmente de 2 a 3 veces más que BOTOX para ciertos pacientes.

Además, lo que distingue a DAXXIFY es su fórmula innovadora. Es la primera neurotoxina inyectable que incorpora un estabilizador peptídico único, lo que garantiza que está libre de subproductos humanos o animales. Esta innovación refuerza la seguridad y la pureza de DAXXIFY, lo que la convierte en una excelente opción para las personas que buscan una opción de tratamiento confiable y ética.

Pros y contras de DAXXIFY:

Ventajas de DAXXIFY sobre otras neurotoxinas:

Efectos más duraderos: disfrute de los beneficios de resultados más duraderos con DAXXIFY, reduciendo la necesidad de citas de inyección frecuentes para mantener el aspecto deseado.

Solución potencial para la resistencia a BOTOX: si ha experimentado una disminución de los efectos de BOTOX debido a la resistencia, DAXXIFY puede ofrecer una alternativa viable con su fórmula única de neurotoxina.

Desventajas de DAXXIFY en comparación con otras neurotoxinas:

Efectos irreversibles: Al igual que otros tratamientos con neurotoxinas, los efectos de DAXXIFY no se pueden revertir. Es crucial tener una comprensión clara del impacto potencial en su apariencia y considerar comenzar con opciones de vida más corta hasta que esté seguro de los resultados deseados.

Más tiempo de espera para que desaparezcan los efectos secundarios: en el En caso de un resultado no deseado como la caída de los párpados (ptosis) con DAXXIFY, el efecto secundario puede tardar más en disminuir. Sin embargo, los datos limitados de los ensayos clínicos sugieren que los efectos secundarios negativos no persisten mucho más tiempo que los de BOTOX. Seleccionar un inyector altamente capacitado es esencial para minimizar los riesgos.

Para obtener la mejor atención y resultados óptimos, recomendamos encarecidamente elegir una práctica dirigida por un cirujano estético certificado por la junta. Esto garantiza que reciba atención de la más alta calidad, priorizando su seguridad y brindando excelentes resultados.


What is Daxxify?

DAXXIFY® is FDA approved to smooth moderate to severe lines between the brows. It is the only frown line treatment powered by a peptide. The active ingredient in DAXXIFY® is a purified protein called botulinum toxin type A.

Is Daxxify for me?

DAXXIFY® could be for you if you would like to improve the look of your frown lines with a product that’s fast-acting, long-lasting and delivers a smooth look. Houston Dermatology and Plastic Surgery offer Daxxify. Call today to book an appointment.

Why does Daxxify have a peptide?

All frown line treatments require a special ingredient to stabilize botulinum toxin A, the protein responsible for helping smooth moderate to severe frown lines. For instance, Botox® Cosmetic uses human serum albumin (HSA), a blood product, as its stabilizer. Dysport®, another frown line treatment, uses HSA as a stabilizer and cow’s milk protein as a protectant. DAXXIFY® is unique because it is the only formulation that uses a novel peptide as a stabilizer and does not contain human or animal byproducts.

How is DAXXIFY® different from other frown line treatments?

DAXXIFY® is the only frown line treatment powered by a peptide. It’s fast acting, long lasting and slow to wear off.* All frown line treatments require a special ingredient to stabilize botulinum toxin A, the protein responsible for helping smooth moderate to severe frown lines. For instance, Botox® Cosmetic uses human serum albumin (HSA), a blood product, as its stabilizer. Dysport®, another frown line treatment, uses HSA as a stabilizer and cow’s milk protein as a protectant. DAXXIFY® is unique because it is the only formulation that uses a novel peptide as a stabilizer and does not contain human or animal byproducts.

Will I need the same number of Units as my current frown line treatment?

In short, no, and here’s why. Units are like fingerprints—they are a proprietary measurement of a treatment’s unique potency. Because of the differences in how treatments are formulated and tested, you cannot compare or convert Units between them, just like you cannot compare 2 fingerprints. A clearer way to understand dosing is to look at how many nanograms of active ingredient (botulinum toxin type A) a product has. Double the Units does not mean double the dose.

Where is DAXXIFY® made?

DAXXIFY® is manufactured in California, and the only prescription frown line treatment made in the United States. Conventional frown line treatments are manufactured in other countries, then imported into the United States.

How was DAXXIFY® created?

In 2002, physicians and entrepreneurs founded a start-up in Silicon Valley, California to explore the use of peptides in biologics for different therapeutic uses. Their goal was to utilize peptides to transport biologics, typically large molecules, through the skin. The initial idea was to formulate botulinum toxin type A, the active ingredient in DAXXIFY®, with a peptide to see if it could be applied topically to the skin to treat crow’s feet wrinkles. Through this process, scientists discovered that the formulation was optimally administered through injection. Several clinical studies were created to determine the correct dose for an injectable product that would treat frown lines.

Is DAXXIFY® safe?

DAXXIFY® was studied in the largest-ever clinical study for a frown line treatment and included more than 2,800 people across different ages and skin types

How often will I need to get DAXXIFY®?

If you’re like most people, you probably get a frown line treatment around twice a year. But here’s the thing: conventional treatments only last 3–4 months. If you are not able to get treated every 3-4 months, that means you may spend the next 2-3 months of the year with those frown lines staring back at you between treatments. That’s up to 4-6 months of total wear off time per year! I

Will I see results quickly with Daxxify?

You may see results with DAXXIFY® as early as the next day after treatment, and typically within two days.

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Dr. Filiberto Cedeno is excellent at his job. He always listens to my concerns and addresses all my questions attentively. Thanks to his treatment, I have achieved very good results. I highly recommend him.
- Alejandra Arce Ceballos - March 02, 2024

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