Skin Rejuvenation

Rejuvenecimiento de la piel en Sugar Land, Katy, y Houston, Texas

En la mayoría de los casos, cuando los médicos estéticos hablan de rejuvenecimiento de la piel, se refieren a dispositivos de energía como láseres o IPL (luz pulsada intensa), peelings químicos o terapias de inducción de colágeno como microneedling.

Algunas de las afecciones de la piel que se pueden tratar mediante el rejuvenecimiento de la piel incluyen signos de envejecimiento, como arrugas, líneas finas, pecas, manchas solares o vasos sanguíneos visibles. En algunos casos, el rejuvenecimiento de la piel beneficia a los pacientes cuya piel ha perdido firmeza y tono.

Algunas de las principales modalidades de tratamiento utilizadas para el rejuvenecimiento de la piel incluyeron las siguientes terapias:

  • Rejuvenecimiento con láser (ablativo y no ablativo)
  • Rejuvenecimiento mecánico, como dermoabrasión o microdermoabrasión
  • Microneedling con y sin radiofrecuencia
  • Peeling químico
  • Productos inyectables, como neuromoduladores, rellenos, bioestimuladores o inyecciones de plasma rico en plaquetas

Cualquiera de los productos anteriores se puede introducir para abordar necesidades faciales específicas, incluido el labio superior o alrededor de los ojos. Las técnicas de rejuvenecimiento de la piel también se pueden utilizar para mejorar una tez desigual o un trastorno de pigmentación. El rejuvenecimiento puede incluso extenderse a la pérdida de pestañas.

Lo que recibirá como tratamiento se basará en su consulta con un cirujano plástico o dermatólogo certificado por la junta. La mayoría de los tratamientos de rejuvenecimiento de la piel requieren un enfoque multimodal y una serie de tratamientos para lograr los mejores resultados. Lo que es más importante, usted, como paciente, debe comprometerse por completo a proceder con un plan de tratamiento.


How are laser and IPL (intense pulse light) treatments used for skin rejuvenation?

These treatments are primarily used to get rid of discoloration, firm the skin, and reduce the looks of fine lines, wrinkles, or minor skin flaws.

How do chemical peels work?

Chemical peels make it possible for the damaged outer layer of skin to be removed. Peels smooth the skin and give it a more radiant glow. Patients can choose to get a peel that is light to deep, depending on their specific skin condition. A combination of chemicals is used and applied to the skin. The peel, when dried, is “peeled” off to remove the dull top layer of skin. If the peel is a deep peel, the patient may be put under sedation and an anesthetic applied.

When should ablative laser treatments be used for skin rejuvenation?

Ablative laser treatments, which include the use of Erbium or CO2 (fully ablative or fractional lasers), are used to remove the outer layer (epidermis) of the skin and promote the growth of youth-reviving collagen. This therapy is often used to remove fine lines and wrinkles.

What is mechanical abrasion?

Mechanical abrasion is another term for dermabrasion or micro-dermabrasion therapy. It may also refer to a process known as dermaplaning. Any of these skin care modalities represent skin scraping methods, meant to soften the skin’s surface and treat dermatological irregularities.

What are examples of non-ablative treatments?

While the term “non-ablative” often refers to skin rejuvenation methods that involve laser or IPL treatments, it can also extend to light acid peels, microdermabrasion, or microneedling. Light “sanding” techniques, such as peels or dermabrasion, are designed to improve skin that is discolored or lightly scarred.

How are dermal fillers used for skin rejuvenation?

Dermal fillers are injectable substances that ae meant to improve the contour of the skin, plumping it and making it appear more youthful. Hyaluronic acid is often the primary ingredient in dermal filler products.

How does BOTOX™ work?

BOTOX™ or Botulinum toxin is actually a type of nerve relaxer. When it is injected in the brow area, it keeps the patient from frowning and relaxes the wrinkles, thereby causing the face to look refreshed.

What are some of the conditions that can be addressed by skin rejuvenation?

Some of the conditions that can be treated through skin rejuvenation include the following:

  • Static wrinkles. These wrinkles are visible wrinkles that stay the same, regardless of the facial movement.
  • Dynamic wrinkles. These are deeper wrinkles represented by expression lines that become more pronounced during facial movement. They usually appear as folds when the skin is at rest.
  • Pigmentation. Sun spots, darkened patches, or freckles that develop from over-exposure to the sun can be treated with skin rejuvenation treatments.
  • Scars. These flaws may result from acne or an injury to the skin. They may feature a raised border or display pits or discoloration.
  • Vascular abnormalities. These skin conditions represent visible blood vessels on a skin’s surface, redness, or vascular lesions.
  • Poor skin tone. When the supportive skin structures, made up of elastin and collagen, dwindle, the skin tone becomes faded and the skin weakens. Patients also may develop cellulite.
  • Dull skin. Skin can lose its radiant appearance because of a build-up of dead cells or because of clogged pores.

Am I the right candidate for skin rejuvenation?

You are a good candidate for skin rejuvenation if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are physically in good health.
  • You do not smoke or drink to excess.
  • You are positive but realistic about your skin care goals.
  • You are dedicated to protecting your skin from sun damage.

What is the average cost for skin rejuvenation treatments?

We prefer not to give any estimates without seeing a patient first.

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