IPL Photofacial

IPL Photofacial in Sugar Land, Katy, and Houston, Texas

Photofacial treatments are used to treat wrinkles, stretch marks, age spots, and redness. For this reason, a photofacial may also be called photorejuvenation treatment. Treatments may be performed at medical offices or med spas to erase mild cases of sun damage, freckles, brown spots, irregular pigmentation, striae, or lines on areas, such as the face, chest, stomach, or chest (décolletage).

Photofacial treatments may take the form of intense pulse light (IPL) or yellow laser. Both can be widely affective and beneficial to the skin.

What is nice about these therapies is that it treats stubborn skin concerns, especially vascular lesions and port wine stains. After a photofacial some redness and swelling will usually be noted. However, these effects quickly subside after about 24 hours. Because collagen production is stimulated, you will see smoother and healthier skin, over time, with improvements made shortly after the procedure and continuing for several weeks.

When you receive a photofacial, light is absorbed into the skin by both the melanin and red blood cells (hemoglobin). When this happens, the area is intentionally damaged. This is done so the melanin or pigmentation will break up underneath the skin and the blood will carry away the waste. This makes the skin’s tone appear to be more even. In addition, the light enhances the production of collagen and elastin – both components of young-looking skin. While collagen and elastin are manufactured in abundance when a person is young, they start to diminish as people age.

Basically, any type of photofacial takes care of blemishes or skin irregularities on the surface of the skin. More specifically, photofacial treatments can be used to treat broken capillaries or blood vessels, sun-damaged skin (sun spots), rosacea, hyperpigmentation, moderate wrinkles and fines lines, freckles, and spider veins.

Photofacials provide a unique skincare experience for the recipient, as the patient must wear dark glasses when the light is applied. The provider will also apply a cooling gel to the treatment site. The glasses are used to protect the eyes from the intense beams of light.

Once you are prepped for the procedure, the medical provider will use a device, also called a hand-piece, and run it along the skin of the treatment area. The device, in turn, pulses short bursts of laser light that penetrate the skin to smooth out pigmentation and surface lines or wrinkles.

Normally, you won’t have 1 photofacial treatment and stop there. Photofacials normally are performed in a series of treatments, each which lasts from 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the treatment area and to what the degree the skin needs to be treated. Usually, a patient will receive 3 to 6 treatments in total that are scheduled about 4 weeks apart.

If you plan to have your skin treated with an IPL or yellow laser photofacial, it needs to be tan-free. A tan can prevent the IPL device from detecting which blemishes or discolorations need to be treated and can lead to problems with burns. You also need to avoid taking any kind of medicine, before a treatment, that thins the blood. Medications may include ibuprofen, anticoagulants, or aspirin. Also, do not consume alcohol. Tell your doctor about any supplements, medicines, or antibiotics you may be currently taking before you schedule the photofacial.

Most patients who receive photofacials do so to treat their face, shoulders, back, neck, or hands. However, you can schedule an IPL photofacial to treat just about any part of the body, with the exception of the eyelids and the area just above the lids. The intense light of an IPL device can be extremely bad for the eyes. Therefore, treatment around this region is highly discouraged.

While an LED photofacial is gentler and usually just feels like a massage, a photofacial may be mildly uncomfortable. Some patients liken the experience to the feeling of a thin rubber band lightly being flicked against the skin. After the treatment, some patients describe the treatment area as feeling mildly sunburned.

After only one treatment, your skin tone may appear more even and the skin may feel smoother. However, remember, these results do not appear all at once. The results are gradual, and multiple treatments are necessary to achieve the outcome you want. You can learn more about this amazing and innovative skin care treatment by reviewing the FAQs below.


How do you define a photofacial?

IPL or yellow laser photofacial therapy is a technology that is used by both medical and cosmetic practitioners to provide aesthetic and therapeutic benefits to the skin. During the treatment process, a handheld device is passed over the surface of the skin, giving off short bursts of a broad-spectrum light. This light is absorbed into the skin’s deep layers. Because the light reaches the deeper layers of the skin, no injections or incisions are needed. The blinking device scatters wavelengths of light so targeted areas of the skin can be treated.

What can an IPL treatment do for my skin?

By using a powerful broadband light, an IPL photofacial treatment can reduce the appearance of dark or brown spots, or sun spots, from over-exposure to the sun. It also can remove rosacea and treat or alleviate acne. The treatment improves the texture and smooths the skin of fine lines and wrinkles and can even be used to remove excess hair. Because of its many uses and affordability, the use of IPL is trending among people who want to use a non-invasive treatment to improve their appearance or reduce the signs of aging.

What do I need to do myself to prepare the skin for IPL Photofacial treatment?

Before you schedule a photofacial treatment, you need to refrain from using any products containing retin-A or retinol. Also, before you begin the therapy, you should completely wash your skin of any makeup or skincare products. Doing so will help you achieve overall better results and prevent complications.

What happens, specifically, before and during the treatment.

Before performing a photofacial treatment, a numbing cream is applied topically to ensure a patient’s comfort during the therapy. After about 20 minutes, the numbing cream is removed and an ultrasound gel is applied. The gel allows the practitioner to easily glide the device over the treatment site. It also cools the skin and protects it from the heat emitted by the laser. Dark glasses are given to the patient to wear to shield the eyes from the laser’s bright light.

Will the IPL light damage any tattoos I wish to keep or affect micro-bladed eyebrows?

The light is not directed to the eye area, so the practitioner can avoid micro-bladed eyebrows when using the IPL device. Also, a skilled practitioner can effectively target specific spots with the IPL hand piece, thereby avoiding any tattoos you wish to maintain.

What can be done to reduce skin sensitivity during the procedure of IPL Photofacial?

Most people compare a photofacial to getting lightly snapped with a thin rubber band. However, because a topical anesthetic is applied before treatment, most patients feel comfortable during therapy. If a patient’s skin tends to be more sensitive, the practitioner can always reduce the settings on the device to reduce any type of discomfort.

What are the usual side effects of IPL Photofacial?

Most patients will experience some redness after they are treated. This redness normally fades in a few hours or by the following day. Light swelling may also result, which quickly dissipates.

How can I get the best results from my IPL photofacial?

While a photofacial can be scheduled anytime during the year, it is best to receive treatment in the fall or winter to repair summer exposure to the sun. You should also have 3 to 6 treatments spaced about 4 weeks apart. After you receive the desired results, it helps to schedule treatment sessions about once or twice a year. Use sunscreen daily that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. Even if you don’t spend much time outside in the sun, you should ensure your investment by using the protective cream.

How much does a photofacial treatment cost?

An IPL or yellow laser treatment is usually more expensive than a chemical peel or microdermabrasion procedure. However, the results you realize are well worth the price. While spas or medical offices can charge $500 to $600 per treatment, some places feature prices that are more friendly to your wallet.

For instance, you can have a face only treatment done for $250 or schedule a treatment for the face, neck, and chest for $500. Before you decide on a treatment facility, check out the credentials of the practitioner and read patient reviews. It is better to pay more for the procedure and get top-level care versus paying less money and having the procedure done by an inexperienced practitioner.

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