Spider Vein Treatment

Spider Vein Treatment in Sugar Land, Katy, and Houston, Texas

You may see small veins that are purple or red that resemble a spider if your veins have been damaged or do not work properly. Spider veins may appear on the face or legs and frequently result from a blood vessel bursting. For example, a woman in childbirth may burst a vein during delivery.

If a valve weakens, the blood that flows one way through the veins, may end up pooling inside the weakened vessel. With the progression of time, this may cause the vein to expand or branch out, which causes a spider vein to appear. If spider veins appear on your face, increased pressure or overexposure to the sun can lead to the condition.

Most women and men want to have spider veins removed, especially if they appear on cosmetically sensitive areas. They often are more common in women than men. While spider veins may develop because of genetics, they can also emerge during or after pregnancy, when a patient gains weight, or if a woman uses oral contraceptives.

Another small venous type conditions that is similar to spider veins are telangiectasias. Telangiectasias, which are dilated capillaries, often appear on the face whereas spider veins are usually seen on the feet and legs.

However, the term, “telangiectasias,” frequently is used interchangeably with the term, “spider veins.” Actually, the capillaries, which are seen in telangiectasias, are thin-walled blood vessels that connect arteries (the vessels that carry blood from the heart) with veins (which transport blood to the heart).

Spider veins can either resolve on their own, and disappear, or may be permanent, depending on the reason for their appearance. If the veins are caused by medicines or pregnancy, they may not need treatment. To prevent spider veins, it helps to stay active and physically fit. Long periods of standing or sitting can lead to their development.

If you wish to remove unsightly spider veins, the two main forms of treatment include sclerotherapy and laser treatments. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly at the site of the spider vein, causing it to scar and collapse. In the interim, the collapsed, dead-end vein is absorbed into the bloodstream. Sclerotherapy injections may be slightly uncomfortable.

The other major treatment option, laser therapy, involves using a laser to form blood clots around the spider veins. When this happens, the blood vessels become clogged and ultimately are resorbed by the body.


How does sclerotherapy work?

Sclerotherapy is a vein treatment that involves injecting an irritant or saline solution directly into the vein site. When vein walls become irritated, they stick together, which prevents the flow of blood to the blood vessels. In turn, the vein shrinks and vanishes over time. Usually, several treatments are necessary to achieve the desired effect.

What is the closure system for vein treatments?

This type of therapy involves injecting a sticky substance into the veins and closing off the blood flow to the vein. After a small time, the vein resorbs into the bloodstream and eventually fades. Like sclerotherapy, several treatments are required for successful results.

Who can perform sclerotherapy or the closure system treatments?

Vein specialists, plastic surgeons, trained nurses, dermatologists, and cosmetic surgeons all have the training and know-how to perform spider vein treatments.

Does sclerotherapy or a closure system procedure usually require the use of an anesthesia?

No. These types of procedures can be performed in a doctor’s office and do not typically include the use of an anesthesia.

Will I need to wear compression socks for spider vein treatments?

Usually, anyone undergoing sclerotherapy or closure system treatments, will need to wear compression stockings for several days or weeks after a treatment.

How long does it take for spider veins to fade after sclerotherapy or a closure system treatment?

Spider veins start to disappear after the procedures. However, the process normally takes about 6 weeks. Most people need multiple treatments to get rid of spider veins.

When are lasers typically used to treat spider veins?

Lasers, which are less invasive than sclerotherapy or closure system treatments, normally are used to treat very small spider veins, or veins that are smaller than 3 millimeters, which appear close to the skin’s surface.

How do lasers get rid of spider veins?

A practitioner, who uses a laser, directs a small beam of light onto the vein. This causes the spider vein to clot, which prevents further blood flow. When this happens, the vein shrinks, dries up, and is carried away by the bloodstream.

Am I a good candidate for spider vein treatments?

You are a good candidate for spider vein treatments if you have realistic expectations about the results, and understand that the treatments do not necessarily stop the development of future veins. Also, the best candidates are not breastfeeding or pregnant. If you are between 30 and 60 years old, and are good at following pre-procedure and after-procedure guidelines, you should realize a successful outcome.

How much does it cost to have spider veins treated?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it costs $350, on average per session with sclerotherapy, or around $450 to treat the veins using a laser.

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