Jaw Augmentation

Jaw Augmentation in Sugar Land, Katy, and Houston, Texas

Jaw augmentation for men is a popular plastic surgery option that can help enhance the natural masculine features of the face. This procedure can create a stronger, more defined jawline, which is often associated with attractiveness and confidence. Below we will explore what jaw augmentation for men is, how it works, and the benefits it can provide.

Benefits of Jaw Augmentation for Men

Enhanced Masculine Features

Jaw augmentation can help enhance the natural masculine features of the face. A strong, defined jawline is often associated with confidence, strength, and attractiveness, which can improve a man's overall appearance and self-esteem.

Long-Lasting Results

Jaw augmentation provides long-lasting results that can help men feel more confident and satisfied with their appearance. The implants used in the procedure are designed to be permanent, and the results can last for many years.

Improved Facial Balance

Jaw augmentation can help improve facial balance by creating a more proportional and harmonious appearance. A strong jawline can help balance out other facial features, such as the nose and chin, which can improve overall facial aesthetics.

Customizable Results

Jaw augmentation is a highly customizable procedure that can be tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each patient. The plastic surgeon can work with the patient to determine the optimal implant size and shape to achieve the desired outcome.


Jaw augmentation for men is a safe and effective plastic surgery option that can help enhance the natural masculine features of the face. This procedure provides long-lasting results that can improve a man's appearance and self-esteem. If you're considering jaw augmentation, it's important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who has experience with the procedure to ensure the best possible outcome. With the right provider, you can achieve the results you desire and feel great about your appearance.


What is Jaw Augmentation for Men?

Jaw augmentation for men can be divided into nonsurgical and surgical procedures that involves using either fillers or implants to enhance the shape and size of the jawline. This procedure is often performed on men who have a weak or undefined jawline, as it can help create a more chiseled and masculine appearance. The implants used in jaw augmentation are made from a variety of materials, including silicone, Gore-Tex, or Medpor. The fillers used are Juvederm, RHA and Restylene products.

How Does Jaw Augmentation Work?

Surgical jaw augmentation is typically performed under general anesthesia, and the surgery itself can take several hours. The plastic surgeon will make incisions inside the mouth or under the chin to create pockets for the implants. The implants are then inserted and secured in place using sutures. The incisions are then closed, and the patient is sent to the recovery room to begin healing. Non-Surgical jaw augmentation is a 15-minute procedure where fillers are used to shape and contour one’s jawline. This procedure has very fast recovery time and can even be performed during one’s lunch break. The fillers last up to 18 months and provide an immediate solution for one’s jaw line.

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